The conference invites submission of papers that explore the role of AI across the following sub-themes and beyond.
1st Theme: Future Trends for Researching Society, Family, and Childhood in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.
2nd Theme: Using AI for Crime Prediction and Enhancing Social Security.
3rd Theme: Ethical and Responsible AI Use in Applied Research.
4th Theme: Enhancing Collaborative Community Based Research Using AI.
5th Theme: AI-Driven Green Innovations in Environmental, Economic and Government (ESG).
6th Theme: Applied Research in Islamic and Law Studies Using AI.
7th Theme: AI-Driven Insights: Transforming Research in Humanities and Social Sciences.
8th Theme: The Future Of Ai In Media and The Visual Arts.
Free Pre-conference Workshops (Certificates will be given to the registered participants)
“The Number of submissions is very limited”
1. Protecting Ideas: An Introduction to Patents in Humanities and Social Sciences
2. Bring design to life: The Intersection of AI and Human Creativity
3. AI-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Using NVivo in Applied Research
4. Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Humanities and Social Sciences Research
5. Research Ethics for Conducting Research in the Age of AI
6. AI for Crime Prevention and Policing: From Prediction to Action
7. AI-Driven Solutions for Family and Community Well-being
8. How to Publish High-Impact Research in International Journals
9. Media and Journalism in the Age of AI: New Trends and Opportunities
10.Integrating AI in the Visual Arts: Redefining Creativity Training AI as a Research Assistant in the Visual Arts